If you have bad credit but need to buy a new car, you may be concerned about your credit score preventing you from being able to qualify for a loan. At a traditional dealership, you typically need to have great credit to be able to qualify for an auto loan. Instead of stressing out about the qualification process for a loan at a traditional dealer, you can buy a car with no credit check in Toronto. There are many dealerships around the GTA that are considered no credit check dealers, and can offer you guaranteed financing for any credit history.

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When you work with a dealer that does not perform credit checks, you will not have to stress about whether or not you will get approved. You will qualify for an auto loan, but you should be aware that the interest rate may be higher than usual. In addition, you may still need to provide collateral or have someone co-sign on the loan. If you cannot meet these qualifications, then you still may be able to qualify for an auto loan. You can speak with our finance managers about alternative arrangements that are available to assist you in financing a new car at an affordable price to fit your budget.